

色鉛筆 イラスト オリジナル,色鉛筆 作品 女の子,色鉛筆 イラスト 個展

この作品は、私が個展『Color Dome』(大阪福島 スタジオクート様) のために描き下ろした色鉛筆作品です。展示搬入の集荷が来る2時間前まで描いていたほど、時間をかけて丁寧に仕上げました。



『Color Dome』というテーマのもと、他のデジタル作品と並んでも引けを取らないよう、色鉛筆の発色にこだわり、鮮やかな色彩で仕上げました。また、丸い構図にすることで、額装のマットも円形にくりぬいてもらい、独特の存在感を持たせました。



色鉛筆 イラスト 展示,色鉛筆 イラスト 女の子,色鉛筆 イラスト 個展

↑大阪 中崎町のGallery IYN様の企画展『花飾り2024』にも出展させていただき、その際の様子です。

This piece is a colored pencil artwork created for my solo exhibition “Color Dome.” I worked on it meticulously until just two hours before the collection for the exhibition was scheduled to arrive.

While I usually focus on digital art, I decided to take on this colored pencil project as a reference for the classes I teach at a school. It was a new challenge for me to use colored pencils, and I thoroughly enjoyed the process.

Under the theme “Color Dome,” I aimed to ensure that this colored pencil piece would stand out just as vividly as my digital works. I paid special attention to vibrant coloring and opted for a circular composition, having the mat for framing cut in a round shape to enhance its unique presence.

The theme of this piece is a “Country Room.” As an interior enthusiast, I depicted a country-style room that I had always admired since childhood. This artwork incorporates many of my favorite elements, such as roses, a country doll-like girl, and gingham check fabrics.

The main art supplies are colored pencils, but I also use Copics to help with coloring, and I also use some gold leaf from a 100 yen shop to finish.


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